
Subscriptions to the Colorado Environmental Law Journal are on a per-volume basis with our subscribers receiving two issues per volume, as of Volume 34.

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 Entire Volume  

 Single Issue  

 Overseas Postage  




 $15.00 additional




 $5.00 additional

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  • Check must accompany order.
  • Prepayment is required.

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To notify the Journal of a change of address or to cancel your subscription, kindly contact us by e-mail, fax, mail, or phone at:

Colorado Natural Resources, Energy & Environmental Law Review
320-H Wolf Law Building
401 UCB
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0401

303.735.0169 (fax)

All notifications of change of address should include both old and new addresses. Please also include our SubID number, or publisher reference number.


Unless a claim is made for non-receipt of an issue within six months after the mailing date, we cannot be held responsible for supplying those issues without charge.

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