Volume 33

Issue 1

Tribal Consultation: Toward Meaningful Collaboration with the Federal Government
Michael C. Blumm & Lizzy Pennock

Why Colorado Should Evaluate Clean Water Act Section 404 Program Assumption
John A. Kolanz

Impact Fees, Bonding Reform, and Oil and Gas Development
Pete Mortion, Joe Kerkvliet, & Evan Hjerpe

Notes & Comments

Colorado’s SB 19-181 and the COGCC Rules are First of Their Kinds, yet Still Not Enough
Lauren Davis

COVID-19 Infects the Fishing Industry: The Rise of Illegal Fishing and the Waiver of Fishery Observer Requirements
Maya Raphael

Sleight of Land: The Socioenvironmental Impacts of Global Land Trade in the International Investment System
April Crain

Where the NHPA and NEPA Meet: Failures of the Nexus of EIS and Section 106 Analyses
Johnsie Wilkinson

Issue 2

Community Choice Aggregators, Biomass Energy, and California’s Just Transition: A Case Study of AB 843 and Responsible Biomass Procurement Principles
Shalini Swaroop, Esq. and Alexandra McGee

The Clean Energy Dilemma: How the Push for Clean Energy Could Threaten Indigenous Communities and an Exploration of Potential Alternatives
Laura Berglan, Blaine Miller-McFeeley, and Andrea Folds, Earthjustice

Securitization of Coal Plant Retirements: Implications for Just Energy Transitions
Ann M. Eisenberg and Emily Winston

The (Un)just Use of Transition Minerals: How Efforts to Achieve a Low-Carbon Economy Continue to Violate Indigenous Rights
Kate R. Finn and Christina A.W. Stanton

Notes & Comments

Federal vs. State Jurisdiction Over Net Metering Rates
Patrick Witterschein

The Rise of Critical Infrastructure Protest Legislation and Its Implications for Radical Climate Activism
Nick Crockett