Volume 31

Issue 1

Towards Energy Democratization
Rafael Leal-Arcas, Marius Greger, & Hanna Knigge

No Credit Unless You Show Your Work: How Judges Can Stop the Gaming of Climate Change Discount Rates in Federal Rulemaking
Jack Thorlin

Indian Allottee Water Rights: A Case Study of Allotments on the Former Malheur Indian Reservation
Margaret Schaff & Cheryl Lohman

Notes & Comments

Beyond our Borders: Barriers and Solutions to Applying Environmental Regulations to U.S. Corporations that Outsource Production
Jordan Becker

Black and Yellow Letter Law: Managing Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Conservation Under the Endangered Species Act
Daniel Franz

Managing an Administrative Emergency: Establishing FEMA as an Independent Agency
Hunter Knapp

Issue 2

Observer Participation in International Climate Change Decision Making: A Complementary Role for Human Rights?
Nadia Sánchez Castillo-Winckels

Restoration of Protected Lakes Under Climate Change: What Legal Measures are Needed to Help Biodiversity Adapt to the Changing Climate? The Case of Lake IJssel, Netherlands
Jonathan Verschuuren

When the Navajo Generating Station Closes, Where Does the Water Go?
Gregor Allen MacGregor

Notes & Comments

An Odd Way to Read a Preemption Statute: The Atomic Energy Act, Virginia Uranium, and the Diné Natural Resource Protection Act
Erin Hogan-Freemole

In Furtherance of National Interest or a Pirate’s Blockade?: The Effect of the Trade War on the U.S. Steel, Aluminum, and Solar Industries
Jessica Serrano

A Sustainable Olympic Games: Applying the NEPA Framework to Reevaluate Olympic Site Selection
Holly Tokar