Beyond our Borders: Barriers and Solutions to Applying Environmental Regulations to U.S. Corporations that Outsource Production

  Introduction The world is becoming increasingly interconnected, and our understanding of climate change and pollution now expands beyond the borders of individual countries. Even when the United States monitors and regulates its own contribution to emissions and pollution, these pressing issues are impossible to control through domestic regulation alone. Many goods consumed by Americans are produced overseas. Federal agencies have the ability to regulate the kinds of products that come into the country, yet these agencies have little control over the methods by which Continue reading →

Black and Yellow Letter Law: Managing Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Conservation Under the Endangered Species Act

      Introduction The rapid decline of various bee species—dubbed “the plight of the bumblebees”—has triggered widespread policy discussions about pollinator protections in the United States (“U.S.”). These discussions resulted in fresh developments in a few areas of law aimed at pollinator protection, including the Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWS”) listing the rusty patched bumble bee as an endangered species on March 21, 2017.[2] The rusty patched bumble bee is the first bumble bee protected by the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”). The recent listing Continue reading →